Monday, June 7, 2010

Gaga huh!?. Strange image

Now I have an ok eye for things that might be hidden in videos, fast frames or still photos, and after re-watching the preview for "Alejandro" for the 20th time, I spotted things that were interfering with what I'd already memorized.

The thing that caught my eye the most was an image hidden in the milliseconds of the 00:17 mark.

Was it someone with a bag over their head? What was it!?

After what seemed like a hopeless journey between 00:17 and 00:18, and after about 50 tries, I got it!

What is it!?
I skimmed through the internet to see if I wasn't the only one who noticed this alien-like figure and sure enough, "creep face" was plastered all over message boards.

The preview is obviously not enough for anyone to guess the theme but THIS image has tingled my excitement further. It also appears in the beginning of the preview at the 00:03 mark.

Is the video truly being released today? I'm hearing a combination of yes and non-believers. We'll see.


  1. OMG that was the first thing I noticed. I thought it was creepy that instead of a subliminal message of popcorn, it's of a dead creepy thing. lol what exactly are they trying to convince us of?

  2. well, atleast we now know where in the video it shows up...and that it's not hidden :)
