Saturday, April 25, 2009

"So what do you want in a guy?"

wow see that's code for
"what do i need to do, to get close to you??"
I've heard it too many times, hasn't every girl??

i was never ready to answer that BUT
i'm pretty ready to answer now.
i do have a list
(i love making lists, give me anything, and i'll make a list for it)

1.don't beat around the bush!!!
2.I'm done with guys who are attention whores, and NEED to be different
3.a sort of natural humor, one that isn't loud have to deal with constructive criticism, don't get defensive, my comments are in no way, meant to hurt you. responsible, punctual
6.don't be afraid to share your opinions
7.know when to have fun, and when to grow up.
8. DO NOT assume things! ask questions dedicated to whatever it is that you love (unless it's porn, then we have an issue)
10.don't act like a superhero. sometimes you'll have to save me and vice versa, but it's ok to breakdown once in a while

now these are my ultimate personal ones:

1.No drugs
2.No smoking
3.I will NEVER date a guy that has the same name as my brother or my father (no James or Clive)
4.if you go into a relationship with me thinking about a threesome, then you are going home ALONE. i don't share my men
5. don't cry over stupid crap, but find yourself unable to cry over serious situations
6. If you get angry at me, explain yourself, and I'll listen
7. If you cheat, then don't expect to hear back from me

Does all this sound like a lot?
well suck it up cus it's not like they're negative things!
no really I don't expect a guy to have even most of these qualities, but it can't hurt to give some of them a try right?

I don't want you to "kiss me in the rain" or bring me flowers all the time, or pick me up when you see me (if you've seen me then you won't want to risk the hernia)
I need a man, who will bring his values into plain sight, and not cloud my view with all the Hallmark niceties.
Be yourself.
and some may ask "well Sabina's bi right? what does she want in a girl??"
I choose to admire girls from afar.
I've dated a couple and you know what?
girls are fucking crazy as shit
no more stalker status, random threesomes, porn obsessed vahjay for me
no more!

but enough of that
does anyone agree or dissagree with my lists?
should I strike or add anything?
I'm all ears.

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