Sunday, October 11, 2009

Black hair Phat hair

With the arrival of the latest black barbie, some parents are up in arms because not only does the new barbie have long hair, it has STRAIGHT hair too and oh so weave-ish...oh-ahem-gee
Many parental units are angry because they believe that the dolls will brainwash their babies into thinking that their natural curly hair is not beautiful...

Stop whining!
As a black woman, let me just say that all 5 of you that don't have use cellophane-relaxer treatment, and don't put in a weave, are probably those strong independent Erykah Badu-esque ladies? yes yes?
SO it is up t0 you to NOT buy the doll for your children and teach them the value of themselves...BY YOURSELVES!
I'm amazed by parents who have yet to grasp the fact that they are there for a reason!

why is relaxed, straight hair nice?
Personally, It's easier to deal with. I go through a cellophane-deep conditioning-relaxer treatment, that runs me about $120 every 3-4 months, and my hair is growing long and lovely, but when it runs out, I realize that my parents shouldn't have gotten together. My hair turns into a mix of straight, white woman hair, and afro magic black man hair, and it is RIDICULOUS to even TRY to deal with it! so I relax it!

Everyone says the straighter it is, the whiter you look, the more you conform to society...SHUT UP and stop being so paranoid.

If you know can't pull off a lovely, bushy head of hair or make that afro look amazing, then you'll want to do something about it, because no way in hell would I want to deal with a nappy head of hair.

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