Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Last Call Lyric - Stockholm Syndrome

Stockholm Syndrome by Muse!

"This is the last time I'll abandon you, and this is the last time I'll forget you. I wish I could"

Many of us, male or female, have had a moment when we know that the best thing to do would be to part ways with the person we're with.
We're scared of the hurt, the loneliness, sometimes we even think, "They need me I can't go anywhere."

The term "Stockholm Syndrome" is defined as a mentality that a hostage may develop for their captor, in which they stay with their captor out of pity and try to protect them and see them as a positive force in their lives.

To describe a relationship with such a strong term may sound dramatic, but it is an accurate term for many couples. This lyric hits very hard, because of personal experience and I always thought, "When will I finally go? when will I never see you again? When will I finally say goodbye?"

I don't know the extent and power the band intended to use the song to, but It definitely struck a nerve.

It's empowering and almost scary to make that decision. It's true, that decision might be made multiple times, but if you know it needs to made, you honestly don't have to do it alone.

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